I am Skyler

I am Skyler
My Sweet Girl

Saturday, December 17, 2011

We all have some poop in our pants!

My son, Kendyl, is a jolly guy. Happy, funny and witty!  He is both a lover and a fighter, which in today's terms means metro sexual I guess. He goes anywhere, will talk to anyone, will try almost everything (except weird looking food), loves to just be or be crazy.

Picking him up from school, I typically find a young boy that is smiling and full of energy. He loves to play but will work hard too. His quirky smile is contagious and those blue eyes take your happy meter up a notch.

This, set my heart on fire, love of my life boy taught me that everybody has poop in their pants.

He was giggling at school pick up, then rushed over to hug me (the moment I wait for all day) but THEN he sternly whispered in my ear "we need to go home right now".  "Bud you OK" I ask?  "No No I have poop in my pants"!  "WHAT" I almost scream, but contained myself.  "What Happen"?  He tells me the story as we rush to find sister and get in the car. Right then a life lesson shines in the car like the sun on a rainy day.

On the outside, as the world looks at us, we are smiling but really we ALL have poop in our pants. We wear the "I am OK" mask, while waddling through life trying not to let anyone notice our extra baggage.

Skyler, his sister asks whats wrong, "why are we rushing"? I said "Kendyl had an accident, let's go quickly". Skyler says "did you pee in your pants?" and Kendyl says "noooo".  Skyler then says in a loud screaming voice "oooh you pooped".

Time stopped for a brief second as I watched his face. He looked as if he was going to cry but he waited to see her response. We all do this... if our poop is acceptable to others we feel OK about it!  Skyler laughed like it was no big deal and then Kendyl went from almost crying to laughing and the situation dissipated BUT had Skyler mocked him, the ending would of been different.  

At times we mask the pain of rejection with false confidence or stuffing our pain inside neither a good ingredients for maturity and true self acceptance. The sooner we accept that everyone has some poop in their pants the better we will all be for it!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Saying YES to one thing means saying NO to something else

Saying Yes to stillness, says NO to chaos

It astonishes me that I learned a life changing fact from my 7 year daughter with Aspergers. I have been saying NO to different things since she was 3 yrs old because I knew she could not handle loud places, crowds, too many activities in one day, social interactions, new places and changing plans or not planning. In all of this I never noticed an important FACT about life, a FACT we all live by,  

When we say YES to anything in life it means we say NO to something else.

It may seem simple and you may be thinking no duh! But really when I began thinking EVERY time I said yes, what was I saying NO too. It shocked me how different my life could be or would be when I started looking at what I was saying NO to on a regular basis. It is like a railroad track constantly a parallel. So when we say YES we also are saying NO at the same time!

Think with me for a minute, you wake up and if you say YES to laying in bed 15 extra minutes you say NO to what? (relaxed time getting ready, time to read a devotional, time to shower, time to write a little note to your child) the list could go on and on. 
We say Yes to looking at some form of media (computer, FB, TV, IPhone) catching up on life, well... this says NO to quiet time to recharge brain, NO to talking to your partner, NO to the pet that needs love. 

When I decided to say NO to living in anger every day, I said YES to being free to experience joy. When we we all decide to say YES to forgiving someone who caused us pain we say NO to bitterness. 

Then let's just say you have time to say YES to stopping at Starbucks, well you now said NO to donating that $6 to the homeless, No to saving money, NO to getting out of debt, No to saving those extra calories..... But YES to a caffeine high!!! I still need to work on this one.

Are you starting to understand how different just thinking about what we are saying NO to when we say YES could make in our life. I have spent so many years making bad choices, that I am beginning on a path of hopefully having less regrets and this is my next step.  

OK! SO now I have said YES to using my last couple hours of the day to write in my blog but have said NO to watching a movie with my husband, I am not off to a good start of no regrets. BOO!

Saying yes to overworking says NO to sooooo many things. I think the point is that when I dig deep and think about what I am giving up to say YES or NO, it may help me make better choice's. 

As a mom I do not want my kids remembering that I said NO to them because I said YES to everything or everyone else. 

                                                        Saying NO to all the little things that don't really matter means I say YES to what matters 

I would love to hear all the ways you say YES and NO or how thinking about it helped change some or your answers. Share so we all learn!