I am Skyler

I am Skyler
My Sweet Girl

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

If pictures could tell the REAL story

If I showed you a picture of how I thought Easter weekend should look like from my expectations and it had a story behind it, it would look like this: Waking up to music playing as I start cooking all the organic recipes I had per-planned, then the Easter story reading before breakfast, each one of us getting ready for a day full of celebrating the resurrection of the King and gratitude would ring in my ears. The perfect picture of matching Easter outfits plus inviting friends over to celebrate into the wee hours of the night ending the day with a gleaming smile of thanksgiving.

Learning Lesson #1 
Take nothing on its looks; take everything on evidence. There's no better rule.” ~ Charles Dickens

 I thought instead of putting a bunch of pictures of us smiling and allowing the perception to be that we had a perfect day of celebrating Christ, I would write the real story behind our not so perfect picture.

7:30am "mommy", I respond  "Hey Kendyl want to grab my phone and play a game so mommy and daddy can sleep a little longer"?
BUT what I meant to say was ...

"Good Morning Little buddy"  it's time to take Jesus (a figurine we have) out of his tomb today. He runs to the scene of plastic figures and tell Jesus in a funny voice to RISE!

Reality is, the fighting began immediately, over how to unwrap him (Jesus), where to put him, what to do after he is out and so on.

Inappropriate non-spoken response from Mom (wooh this is going to be a loooong day)!

Learning Lesson #2  “If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans.” ~ Woody Allen

I know I should not even try to get my sensory daughter in an itchy Easter Dress and pretty bows in her hair with cute sandals and a matching purse BUT I did! I thought I had given up on trying to make her wear certain things just for pictures. " I want to see my baby girl wearing it and so does Grammy and Daddy".  Not gonna happen!!!!

First the No! then the crying , then the trying to tolerate it and ripping it off and scratching all over and MOMMY GUILT sets in, "why would I even try that I know she does not feel comfortable in that"? Uuurgh! 

Learning Lesson #3
 Don't worry that children never listen to you; worry that they are always watching you.  ~Robert Fulghum
We ended up in a t shirt,  deadlocked hair, sandals (that she took off after 30 min because they hurt her feet) but we did get a black skirt on (black? really on Easter)!

The let's not make any plans and just relax today routine does not work with Skyler. She immediately said upon opening her eye balls-"ok Mom tell me in order mom, did you hear me, in order what is the plan for today?"  Well the thought of us not having a plan was too much for her brain to handle so she tried to place every things in a time line from eating to getting dressed to what are we doing for lunch and what time is bed time. "Skyler sweetheart we just woke up, it's Easter a very special day to Celebrate can we relax and enjoy the moment"?  

Learning Lesson #4
Life is what happens to you when your busy making other plans.  ~John Lennon

Lunch ends up with crying because Sky Sky having a brilliant mind that loves to organize everything wanted to put name place settings for each one of us and wrapped the silverware so tight in the napkin we could not use our utensils. Then when one of us sat in the wrong seat she fell to the floor crying that we messed it all up. We survived a Whole Foods Pre-Made Easter Lunch with 15 yucks and two spills.

Learning Lesson #5
If we are what we eat then I am fast, cheap and easy!

We were able to make it through the remarkable 2 minute Easter story with candles telling them of Jesus  (the Lord of Lords) dieing for us and coming back to life, like a magic candle his light never goes out!

 Then she heard thunder and now the story of rebirth turns into fear and anxiety of what happens if we get struck by lighting and panic sets in. 

Perfect time for learning lesson #6
 Be anxious for nothing because God already knows how our life is going to play out so why waste energy being anxious ~ Philippians 4:6

Really it is only 1pm and 4 meltdowns..........

Ok I give up and I think to myself,  if Christ gave his life for us, I can at least give up my dreams of the perfect day for the love of a child. "Skyler" I say "what would you like to do"? AND we went to garage sales, face painted (yes my face was painted like a bunny), then
No laughing

I held her hand for an hour an half while we ice skated. 

Even though she continued to nervously chew the edge of her shirt off until it was hanging down past her chest line, she was smiling and not worried about getting struck by lighting. 

Meanwhile the boys got to do BOY stuff, video games, ride scooter and build legos.

Learning Lesson #7
There is no perfect day, perfect life, perfect child, perfect body, perfect house, etc.... there is only a perfect GOD!