I am Skyler

I am Skyler
My Sweet Girl

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

My Sky Sky: Angels Among us-Part 2

My Sky Sky: Angels among us-Part 2: I am answering all the questions but I have no idea how because my body feels paralyzed yet I can see myself  moving and talking to her. &...

Angels Among us-Part 2

I am answering all the questions but I have no idea how because my body feels paralyzed yet I can see myself moving and talking to her. "Does your husband have a will, or a do not resuscitate?"

OMG, I have no idea nor do I really want to know but I SHOULD know. Do I?  Does anyone at 40 years old have a will? I can not breath, I feel my body start leaning into the wall and my legs get weaker and weaker until I slide down in a squat position and my mind begins swirling different scenarios around until I regain my composure.  

"Mrs. Fisher we are transferring your husband to the ICU to monitor him for a brain bleed, which could potentially be serious, but we will keep a close eye on him tonight and see how he does and how is vitals are throughout the night, right now he is in pretty bad shape but he is veryyyy lucky and the facial surgeon has already repaired his eye wound and he may only need minor facial surgery." I blink to wake myself because when I was working at an Occupational Therapy Assistant at a nursing home in Fl. a young gentleman about 40 years old lived there permanently due to a traumatic brain injury from a motorcycle accident.  "Ok"  I said back to doctor!  As I walk past the desk I ask " Can children visit patients in ICU?"  The angel working said "yes they can we have learned that patients do better when they have family visiting." 

The ICU waiting room is filled with people just like us, loved ones that are scared and feeling helpless. Awaiting our arrival in the ICU are two angels that have already made the journey to lend a listening and supportive ear. It is so nice to see a familiar face but as I look around I realize we have nothing to sustain us for a long night. No food, no extra clothes no phone chargers, no books, no kids activities, no caffeine....  Suddenly the two angels that have been loving on us has now turned into 4 then 6 then 10 angels circling around us to offer support and provide for us. 

It is the smallest of things that make the biggest difference! When one of the angels went all the way to a store and back to find the PERFECT shirt for my daughter it broke the water well in my eyes. Anyone that has been following my story would understand this is a true miracle in itself,  A man shopping and finding a shirt the right size, color and most importantly texture for my sensory child is mind-blowing and it truly reminded me that in that moment I may feel helpless but not hopeless! The angels around me take my kids for walks and plan play dates, the distraction from parenting for this moment is priceless.

My son will not go see his father, he stays hidden under the desk crying off and on and I allow him to just be for now but know he will need some TLC in the days to come. Skyler on the other hand needs desperately to see her daddy, she is the only one left that has not seen him and she slowly opens the door and walks tip toe through the halls till she sees the room number then unexpectedly she kneels down and begins crawling toward his room. "Sky baby girl get off the floor please its a hospital and many sick people in here, please get up".  "I can't mom, I just can't go in there, I will look at him from this window", as her fragile eyes spot her dad laying in the bed asleep she begins crying loudly and I rush her out trying not to disturb the other patients. 

The sound of her crying makes my son retreat farther into his hole and I know this will be a very long night, maybe week, maybe long month or year.  I make a deal with the kids we will leave to rest and come right back the minute our eyes open in the morning. I do not want to leave my husband alone, what if he wakes up and no one is there, what if he needs me or gets worse? So many what if's and I tell myslef I can not live my life by what if this and what if that. I need to get my kids home to sleep since the plan is to be here day after day.  I know I can not take care of others if I am not rested and emotionally re-charged.

We all climb into the same bed including both big dogs and hold on tight to any arm or leg you could find until our eyes grow heavy. I awaken several times that night to call the nurse check on him and around two am the Angel that has watched over my husband said "he turned a corner and is now awake and alert". I let out the deepest sigh and start praising the Lord.

The sun peaks into the window reminding us of the tragic accident, but also a reminder of God's goodness no matter what the outcome is when we arrive at the hospital. His plan is perfect and even in the midst of the pain, I feel peace. This time we do not arrive in the ICU waiting room empty handed, we are loaded with bags and bags of food, activities and blankets to accompany us. We settle back into our little corner and check in with some of the others still there from the night before, some with sad news and others good news. 

This time my daughter, Skyler, told me she is going into daddy's room, "I need to SEE him mom" she says. I hold her hand we walk slow and around the corner she stops and peaks in window, "Mom he looks so much better, Look!" I agree with her, he is cleaned up, bandage off his head and blood cleaned up, he is sleeping but looks relaxed finally. I feel my legs start to give out from pure relief but I hold steady knowing this little person on my side needs bravery now. She settles into a chair in his room quite fast holding his hand, talking freely and loudly (LOL) but she feels it too, relief!

She walks back into the ICU waiting room and says "Kendyl you have to see dad he looks SOOOO much better!"  

"NO" he shouts and back under the desk he goes, now with snacks and games to keep his mind busy. 

He has a mix of fear, anger and worry that needs time to heal. He has had a totally different experience then the rest of us, he was on the front lines, witnessing every move, the impact and mental images have taken root in his mind. 

Doctor says he is stable enough to move to regular hospital in main building and changes his initial prognosis from Traumatic Brain Injury to sever concussion. He still needs to me monitored but we are hopeful the recovery is shorter and faster then initially thought. 

Returning home that afternoon with our new plan of hope, my son says "I cant go home and see that blood again mom I just cant". I explain that we have to go home to take care of the dogs and rest and convince him to look away from the accident sight and as I pull closer I see an Angel has stopped by to scrub our driveway clean. The blood is gone! I can not begin to teach my kids what others have taught them in the way they have cared for us. Compassion will never never be forgotten.

The garage door goes up and before we have a chance to get out we notice an Angel has dropped off bags and bags of food waiting for us in ice. This wasnt the first time and it wont be the last, we have food everyday several times a day delivered by many angels and as my brother arrives from OK. to be by my side, we have food for him and his daughter and I am humbled by the generosity.   

My husband is being released, we all go home and as life begins to resume the circumstance has left a deep impression on me and my children. Angels are among us, circling around ready to help, give, love, listen and care for us.  

Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, 
for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.
Hebrews 13:2