I am Skyler

I am Skyler
My Sweet Girl

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Easter Restoration and Renewal

      At this exact time last week, Patrick and I just finished Easter Brunch and thought we would take a casual bike ride together. When I woke up in the ER to the sound of the doctor telling me nothing was broke and no concussion, I couldn’t help but cry tears of joy for all the people working on Easter, the time and effort they give to others everyday for the gift I had been given on this special day of renewal and restoration. From that moment till now, I have been living in a surreal state of gratitude, I have not been able to eat solid foods because of the impact to my jaw or use my hands because they caught my fall and the pain that radiates through other areas impacted from trauma have made the nights tough BUT ... what I have gained is soo much greater!  

I have to say it has a been a GREAT week of relying on others, trusting the Lord and it simplified my week not being able to flood my days with doing stuff. The priority list shifted and it was so nice to find new ways to look at the same old things. I don’t want to run from pain that could change me, I don’t want to live in fear of falling, I don’t want to stop loving and I defiantly do not want to go back to being too busy to show others how much I care. 

Dealing with reality head on is a great teacher it shows us that inattentive blindness sucks the joy out of our precious time. Trials make us open our eyes to what’s really important and today I am surrounded by a ray of light that is overwhelmingly filling my soul with joy.

When the pains stops and the wounds heals may the scars be a reminder of the love
that was shown, the lessons learned 
and the sacrifice Christ made for me on Easter and 