I am Skyler

I am Skyler
My Sweet Girl

Thursday, September 20, 2012

When I look at you I see ME!

Today you celebrated eight years of living in this world. Eight years of learning and growing. Eight years of forming opinions about things, to learn what you like and don't like, eight years to figure out how to get what you want. This may not seem like a long time BUT with only eight years under your belt you seem to know quite a bit about everything. Your favorite saying is "I KNOW".

You literally organized your entire party from invitations, to ordering plates, marking names on all the goodie hats and explaining to me exactly how you wanted the cup cakes displayed. 

Today you celebrated eight years of being my daughter, an extension of who I am. Molded by my good and bad qualities and shaped by my beliefs.  You are YOU but when I look at you I see ME. I see me when your done watching TV after 15 min, when focusing on specific things draws you into an obsession, when you put my glasses on and giggle. I see me in you when you are fast asleep with eyes closed that round face resting peacefully under the covers.

I see me in you when you can not fix something, your anger escalates into a rage in 10 sec and you search for anything in your path to redirect the emotion. I see me in you when I look at the freckle on you right foot then is symmetrical and perfectly shaped exactly like mine. I see me in you when you are screaming because your hair is so knotty that not even a gallon of de-tangler would help.

When I look at ME I see YOU in all I do, in all I am and in all I want to be. Happy Birthday Sky!
I love you so very much and may this journal be a reminder on those days when you wish looking  at me did not remind you of who you are. There is no me without my better half YOU!

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