I am Skyler

I am Skyler
My Sweet Girl

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Free Will


The truth is, we ALL have a battle going on inside of us, called Free Will! Free will left completely unattended would be similar to a wild animal. The truest form of purity is when the restraints proposed by society, religion or nature are released and we are free to choose without prejudiced. The year behind me has been about learning the difference between free will vs. uncontrollable situations.

The daily tug a war between my daughter and I, is me on one side not sure when to discipline her for the things she can not control versus the areas in which she chooses to use free will inappropriately.

She sits crying on her bed and I desperately try to reason with an irrational temper and her raging emotions that are running freely. She says what I needed to hear for clarity in my quest for how and when to discipline. She says "I only have attitude with you MOM"

So............ little darlin this is not ones of those situations that you can not control your emotions due to over stimulation or processing issues, it is because your CHOOSING to NOT obey. I was so relieved, in that brief moment, for the path was then clearly paved for me. Time to discipline and teach alternative and appropriate ways to cope.

The lesson I want to impress upon her is that choosing her own free will comes with consequences. 

The same goes for the beginning of a new year for her, me and everyone. What I do, how I talk, when and how I work and who I am on the inside will bleed into the person I will become. The character of a person is not about the wrapping on the outside but about the choices we make that eventually become the true gift.

May your new year be filled with outrageously fun and adventurous free will that is tamed with self control, love and truth!

He who guards his mouth and his tongue, Guards his soul from troubles.
Proverbs 21:23


1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for sharing your very personal reflections and feelings. Love you lots and Happy New Year
