I am Skyler

I am Skyler
My Sweet Girl

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

October 29, 2008


One week home and still going strong Baby Girl! You had a speech evaluation done today, which taught us that you have some expression delays. It is hard for you to express yourself, which makes you very frustrated. So... we are going to take you to speech every week and help you get back on track. Learning about you is so interesting.   I am continuing to keep my eyes on Christ because he promises he will fight my battles for me if I will let him.


Discovering my daughters strength and weaknesses is one of the most amazing things to me about motherhood. 

Learning that my daughter comprehended at a 5 year old level but could only express herself like a 2 year old helped make sense of the situation we were in. It gave us an understanding of what she had been going through too.
We were excited about getting some tools to help her and discovering new ways to parent. We felt hopeful for the first time in along time!

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