I am Skyler

I am Skyler
My Sweet Girl

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Jan 23, 2009-Journal Entry

Daddy and Sky Bug

I am willing to do whatever to help you. 

It did not go very well taking you off the full dose of your medicine. You have had some tough ups and downs but God has really helped me be more patient, kind and gentle even during the very trying times.

I feel so lost and scared. I wake up everyday not knowing what to expect.

I was just thinking about the first day I held you in my arms and since that day I have loved you more and more. Perseverence will be our new middle name.  

You have started riding your bike and you rode all the way to Cooper today. My hearts sings when your happy sweet girl! 

I love you,

My current situation in 2010 seems so different from Jan 2009. When my daughter lets me fix her hair or allows me to briefly hold her in a tight bear hug or says hello to someone approaching us, my heart skips a beat. 

I notice the simplest things that would of passed right by me if I had not expercienced the pain in those previous years. Having a child with Aspergers is not strange anymore to me, it is normal. It is my normal and I am learning to embrace the challenges one by one. 

I am still learning to balance her needs with my sons and husbands so I am no longer consumed with HER issues, HER anger, HER disconnection but to blend HER into our family.  

With a marriage on the rocks and a son that needs a mother to be present in his life there is no time to waste.  Each moment has to count to ensure that I have no regrets.    

As Spurgeon puts it, "It is peace, sweet, deep peace which follows the horrible turmoil that once reigned in our tormented souls."

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

December 11, 2008

Sky Sky,

Mom and Dad have tried to ween you off half the medication you have been taking and we are pleased to report, so far so good. We feel so much better that you are not taking so much medicine and pray God will direct us in ways to eliminate all of it. 

I feel so helpless in trying to be your mom. It is so hard baby girl but perseverance and determination are my focus.

Your dad and I love you so much and we are not giving up, we will do our very best to teach, love and care for you. 


....As I end my day with a journal reading, I am reminded that some experiences are life altering! Everything that one seemed so important  has now faded and all new priorities have appeared. My focus, my energy, my time, my resources and my thoughts now are directed toward building a different life.  A life that my daughter can thrive in!