I am Skyler

I am Skyler
My Sweet Girl

Monday, March 18, 2013

The Sacrifice

I had my arms stretched out in a T with my head facing the sun, eyes closed and tears rolling down my cheek, as I cried out  "God help my baby girl"!

She had a long week of anxiety and raging fits that scared me. Her mood swings had become unpredictable and so frequent that the rest of us were on edge waiting for an explosion at any moment.

I paused in my pleading, to realize at that moment, I had never understood at this level before the condition of Christ's heart when he hung on the cross for US. He cried out to God to save US, he said "for they know not what they do". We are his children and he pleaded to his father to help us, as I was in that moment pleading that God would help her.  

 Please take from me whatever she needs to be whole, I will sacrifice anything I have to give her a better chance at life. God please protect my son's spirit from the verbal daggers & emotional neglect that is his cross to bear. Give us peace about the way we nurture and guide her and patient to endure the treacherous moments of instability. May we embark on the rocky ground with tenacity, filled with applicable teaching moments and grounded in truth and faith. 
Your weary but faithful & willing servant

1 comment:

  1. Wow Donna. This is so encouraging and uplifting. I know why you write and maybe a book is in His plan one day. I am praying for God's supernatural strength that you already have to be more natural than not. May His Spirit keep you fresh and although weary, may you know His strength. I pray for Kendyl and his ears and sky's mind to be healed. God bless and I love you.
