I am Skyler

I am Skyler
My Sweet Girl

Monday, September 19, 2016

All the things I wish I could make you understand about being 12 years old!

Intellectually I know, I can not MAKE someone understand certain things, however my heart felt there was a way to expose my daughter to the wonders of the world. Opening her eyes to see, feel and experience some things I hope she will learn as she embarks on a new age.  

Most mothers, including myself, want their child to learn from all the mistakes that were made instead of experiencing the pain first hand. It is one of the toughest moments of this job, to watch your child step off the edge of a cliff emotionally, physically, spiritually, mentally or financially when we know how bad it hurts. Our scars still remind us of where we have been and what we are trying to keep them from repeating.

 What is it like to be twelve years old? How has her view of the world and herself changed? I observe the "almost teen" dipping her toes into the waters of trial and error. I want to provide opportunities for her to learn from others and demonstrate through my own actions what I hope she will want to emulate. My guide book full of teachings, parables and guidance for everything we face reminds me what I want her to remember during this time, this trip, this celebration of her life, this experience. 

 Romans 12:2  Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

We traveled, we tasted, we saw, we cried, we laughed, we held, we fought, we were shocked, we were afraid, we held on tight, we let go, we walked, we biked, we sailed, we loved, we remembered the past, we prayed, we tried, we lost, we won, we failed, we began, we ended, we slept, we woke, we inhaled, we exhaled, we smiled! 

Happy Birthday to my Sky, 
the wildest 12 year ride of my life. 
All my love I give to you 
today and forevermore!

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