I am Skyler

I am Skyler
My Sweet Girl

Thursday, November 17, 2016

The dog ate my shorts!

The three of us, dad, brother and I stood looking at each other in bewilderment after we realized the dog had ate Sky's shorts. Not just any shorts, but "THE" shorts. "THE" only shorts she will wear, "THE" only shorts she has worn for nearly 6 month. The pair prior to these shorts, that she out grew, she wore every day to school for an entire year.  I know, I know.... normal you say for this age child to wear same clothes over and over, well we have a tendency to pass quickly by "normal" and go into, as the world or her friends say, "the strange zone". 

"What are we going to do?" her brother asked with trepidation, trying to talk over the loud screaming coming from upstairs. "Well I tell you what we are not going to do", replies dad. "We are not driving all over town, spending hours and an exuberant amount of money trying to find the PERFECT pair of shorts that she will wear!"  WHAT???????????? Breath Mom, Breath, this is a good thing, Dad is right she will find an alternative and learning to adapt in these situations is good for her.

OK! Parents of sensory kids that know my pain, no tags, no seams, only cotton with the right amount of tight but not too tight, the inside texture touching skin, no frills, lace or fluff only elastic and/or drawstring with no this, no that, NO problem. RIGHT!! There is no way to explain in this brief summary the past 12 years of clothing issues we have had to overcome nor do I want to begin that drum roll however I do know that being uncomfortable is one thing and its a completely different thing not being able to function due to overload.

The search begins for "THE" new shorts. I have to say, it was something I dreaded and still is if we are shopping together however I have a brilliant technique that saves me from hours of horrifying anguish trying to help find a solution to a problem I can not relate to. SOOOOOO wait for it here is my idea. 

I went and bought 25 different pairs of shorts left them in her closet without pressure or comments about what, how or who. All but one ends up being returned. Did you caught that, the ONE new pair of "THE" shorts. I feel like Batgirl swinging from the tallest building over looking a small success in the middle of a giant mess.  Ok not really a tall building but a very low ledge however the triumphant small steps in the mundane battles that try to creep in to steal our joy has not taken mom down today.

Moment to moment, capture the challenge, smile at the issues, wave by to the negativity, be creative and never let the dog eat your shorts!

Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you
(1 Peter 5:7)

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