I am Skyler

I am Skyler
My Sweet Girl

Monday, September 18, 2017

Happy Birthday Sky Sky!

My favorite time with you was when we made a 
snowman then turned into a blob and we had a snow ball
fight.  Love KenDork                                              
Skyler, my precious granddaughter you are a very special child to your family but especially to your God above 
and He will shower upon you many blessings
and He will fill you with His glorious and wondrous love!

 It is hard too believe that you are 13 years old! Yet, in those years I have been so blessed to watch you grow into a lovely young lady! I remember how shy you were when going to Cooper, and how you loved everything that had 4 legs like horses, dogs, and other living creatures! You have grown to love your own skin so to speak! The memories that you and I have that are the greatest is when we laughed over the simple things like the goodwill truck! Remember that !!!! My prayer for you Sky is that you will love life because you have so many people who love you! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Sweetie! Love, Mom mom

Skyler, watching you grow into a beautiful young women has been a wonderful adventure. Your passion for the outdoors, animals, babies, learning and friends shines bright. You have many adventures ahead and Through Gods grace there are no limits. Love you Sky Sky and happy birthday! Aunt Diona
Sky, you are such a cool kat. I love your laugh and contagious smile.
I love how you care for animals and how God has gifted you with
that desire. We are blessed to see you grow into a beautiful young woman.
Turning 13 is a big deal but don't let it define you.
Age is simply a number and you're only as smart
and beautiful as your attitude allows.Follow Jesus and write a love song to Him with your life. Be committed to loving God and others and He will take care of you. Follow your moms example of being a generous giver but always guard your heart from those who will steal it. I love you and pray for the best 13th birthday for you. We wish we could be there to celebrate. Love You!                                                                           Uncle Will.


Skyler one of the best memories I have 
of you is when we all ran in the color run 
on the trail and you looked like a 
rainbow lollipop at the end...
love the time we spent together... 
Pop Pop
Sky Sky

You are one amazing young woman. I am so proud of all the new challenges of life that you faced and defeated. That is a great quality to have. I look at you in amazement each and every day. WOW how far you have come since the day you and Delia became friends at 2 years old. I can't wait to see what's next for you. 
 Now on a lighter note! Stop growing cause you now are officially my size shoe. Now I can pass down all the cool tennis shoes I never wear. 

Happy Happy Birthday!
  Skyler, GG  and I loved the pictures when you were small and modeling pretty clothes..we love the pictures your mom sends of you horseback riding, taking care of your pets, running and excelling in so many things as you grow up and we are so proud of your effort in your pageants. Love Aunt Sharon & GG
Skyler, your such a kind and considerate person, it's one of the many things I love about you!! I've been reminiscing on all the times spent when we were younger so many fun memories! Have an amazing birthday I love you 😘 love your friend, Summer

    Dear Sky: I have known your mom while she was carrying you as a baby in her tummy! We have watched you blossom from a tiny baby into a beautiful young teenager ! I look forward to seeing how much more you change during your high School years as you move toward being an awesome young lady! Happy 13th Birthday, Sky! Love you! Pam

      Skyler and I go way back, to the times we would paint each other's nails and thought we had the prettiest nails in the state, to pretending we actually knew how to do hair and do it good. I've loved growing up with Skyler and I can't believe she's already 13! Through the 13 years I've known Skyler, every time I see her we are just inseparable. Sky has the most bubbly, lovable, fun, and energetic attitude and I love that about her! She loves the Lord and loves serving Him with all that she does. Skyler is the best cousin anyone could ask for and I'm so thankful to have grown up with her watching her become the godly young lady she is! Happy birthday Sky bug! I Hope 13 treats you good!! 
    Sky it's been an amazing 13 years watching you transform from this sweet (sometimes) little baby to this amazing, smart, funny, sarcastic, animal lover, interesting, athletic, beautiful, kind hearted, baby lover, big sister, turd at times, non stop, studious, organized, creative, path of destruction, insightful, compassionate, mature, daring, and courageous young lady. I'm so proud of your diligent work to overcome any obstacle that's in front of you. Love Dad

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