I am Skyler

I am Skyler
My Sweet Girl

Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Fruit of our Labor!

Happy Labor Day!

I opened my ears to the sound of my family laughing over the soft background of music playing and my mind went to a place that it had not been before. The fruit of a mother's labor is her family.


The attributes that we contributed to biologically, the physical effort in the daily task, the grind of teaching honor and respect, the loss of sleep over decisions made, the constant battle of regrets, the sacrifice of time for self and the gift of breath are all fruits of the labor of love.

Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country. 

The strength, prosperity and well being of my family starts with the mental, emotional and physical well being of me! To be in a constant state of chaos does not produce the kind of fruit I want walking the streets in a couple years, so it is imperative that I stay healthy to keep the Labor going day after day.

With no prerequisites required to become a mom you could start this job with little to NO training. Congratulations, you are now responsible for the hows, whats and whys of this new life. Nothing like learning on the job!

God is so good to us! He gives us time to learn, if we use it wisely, this little bundle sleeps 20hrs a day at first so, I would of been smart to start my training then but exhaustion and shock took over my life so no learning happened at first.

Then toddler hood becomes the obsession of your time. New adventures every moment take your attention away from learning the job skills needed most. By now your well into your new role with no additional training skills aquired to teach this little person how to be a productive adults in society. You keep praying that this new love of your life will survive with no baggage of a traumatic childhood.

I stay on my knees that when they see the reflection of themselves in a mirror they LOVE what they see,  that they see what God sees in all of us Beauty. 

I want my kids to be like a tree so well rooted that when the worldly wind starts rocking them to and fro, they can take a hold of the precious truth of the covenant grace.

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