I am Skyler

I am Skyler
My Sweet Girl

Monday, October 31, 2011

The lessons I learned about Letting go.............(lesson 2)

Cruising along the beach I realized that my life had many parallels to my ride that morning.  
To my right the sun illuminated the sea and a seagull flying free in the splendor of natures nightlight.
To my left was enormous structures built for our entertainment and enjoyment.
Houses with different frames, landscapes that filled each corner of the lot and balconies that reached out to the water. 

I rode on for a couple hours and to my amazement I found myself gazing back and forth from right to left. I discovered when my eyes stayed looking right at the steadfast sea; The glorious creation given to us, I was content, relaxed and in awe of the gift. 
When I focused my attention to the left, at house after house each one trying to make its own statement, I found myself wanting, wishing, desiring more and my hands started to grip the handle bars a little tighter as my chest began to tighten with anxiety. 

That's it!
It is not what we have, where we live, how many cars we have, if we have kids, don't have kids, married or single, it is what we choose to focus on. 
We can continue to focus on the house, the marriage, the kids, the job, the area, the school, the life that we want and the human desire will go on and on.  We would give up our soul to obtain what we think we can not have OR we can choose freedom like the seagull in the moonlight.  
The open sea is a gift from God, always constant, a gift you do not have to work for or be compared to, it is there to simply enjoy, BUT you have to focus on the right.

  Letting go of the world's view of success, Is it possible in today's society of constant consumption to only look right?

I am willing to try, for the sake of the most fulfilling ride,
A life worth lived.

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