I am Skyler

I am Skyler
My Sweet Girl

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Monty vs Bo

The battle of: Never being happy with what you have or the saying "you always want what you don't have" is even true in dogs.

Walking my dogs today, I started smiling because I realized that our new puppy Monty was trying to be like our big boy Bo. Even though he is a Mini Dog he is trying with all his might, digging his back legs into the ground, to caught up with Bo.

I couldn't help relate that short walk to US! How we spend most of time in life digging our hind legs into trying to be something we are not. Spending energy on wasted effort in a losing battle. If we spent more time on being the BEST little dogs we could be, we would make more progress. We are all given individual gifts that can be under utilized when not cultivated.

Acknowledging weakness does not mean weak but shows respect for talent and abilities that we may not have and excelling in our strength takes courage to let go of the big dog complex. You never know what you may find when you put your energy into finding out who God made YOU to be: You my touch some people in your sphere of influence that likely no one else will touch!

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