I am Skyler

I am Skyler
My Sweet Girl

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sept 1, 2008-Journal Entry

 Little miss thang,

We have had some rocky roads to cross lately. I feel totally lost in how to handle your tantrums. I am struggling with quilt that I am not doing something right to help you. 

Your dad and I are being more consistent and we have been getting some professional counseling and pray the Lord will direct us so we will have the patience to make good disciplining decisions. 

Mommy is working on controlling her anger. I get so scared that I am going to hurt you and I cry out to God that he will work in me and help me have control and calm me down when dealing with your outburst. 

We had a small party at the pool tonight. You are really an amazing swimmer. The water seems to calm you!  You have even started to open up to others a little bit, giving hugs and saying hello. 

I am so proud of you and next week you start back at Mother's Day Out.  I will miss you. 



I found myself in a state of rage so many  nights and hiding in the closet until I calmed down so I would not hurt my daughter. I felt so out of control.  She would run through the house screaming no, knocking over anything in her path, kicking and screaming, biting and pulling my hair. The only time things were calm were when she was sleeping. I would sit by her bed and stare at this sweeeeet face and wonder how, why, what was wrong.I would cry myself to sleep just hoping the next day would provide some answers. 

I felt like I had already done as much as I knew to do to help her. Cleaned out her closet to all cotton, cleaned out her room so she only had a couple choices to make play decisions easier for her,  limited stimulation to one hour a day, bed time was at 7pm every night, cut back on work to have more quality time and watched her diet. 

My husband and I did disciplining charts, point system, bribery, anything and everything we could to try to get this situation under control. We became very frustrated and worried about the future for her and my son. 

Animals are Skyler's Best Friends

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