I am Skyler

I am Skyler
My Sweet Girl

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

DEC 12, 2005-Journal Entry

My darling Skyler,

We have been having some rough times. I have learned that a child can break your heart like nothing or no one else could. When you throw your little fits and scream because I said "No" or hit me in the face because I did not give you what you wanted it breaks my heart. I know this is only the beginning and when (if) you choose to have kids you will know what I am talking about. On the other hand you never knew you could love So deep, so raw and sooo much. I hope no matter what we go through you will know how much I truly love you. Love Mommy

Little did I know in 2005 that in 2011 the fits turn into tantrums turn into me scared for your life at times. Sometimes scared for my own life,  my own sanity and longing for the relationship I may never have with a daughter.

1 comment:

  1. We are going through some of that anger at our house too. I had a shoe thrown at me. I've been hit in the face. We have holes in our walls from furniture being thrown! I've been called the worst mother in the world more times then I can count. It breaks your heart that they can actually feel that bad about something so small. But on the up side..the love is just as passionate! I love your blog what a great idea to keep a journal.
