I am Skyler

I am Skyler
My Sweet Girl

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Struggles of 2007 -Part 2 Continued

Skyler did not change, I did!

I am kneeling by a tree holding my son as I am watching my 3yrs old daughter run toward on coming traffic going 40 mph.  I see a man start chasing her with coffee in his hand. He realizes quickly that she is NOT stopping and he throws his coffee down and I hear him say "I am going to get her I am going to get her"  and I holler back "I do not care how you get her just get her " and before I finish my response he tackles her to the ground. She continues to kick and scream as he brings her to me and I feel completely paralyzed.  

I am so angry at her yet have this sense of sadness for what she is going through inside that would cause this.  Finally she is still and quiet and I put both kids in the car but the damage has been done. I can not move I am violently shaking and crying.  

I am so unsure of what to do I place a call to her pediatrician and he recommends to take her to the emergency room and they will place her in a psychiatric center for treatment. This is NOT an option for me, there has to be another way, another solution please Lord Please.........

The day ends with her calm and asleep in her bed and daddy crying by her side.  The thought of what could of happen if the angel in parking lot had not stopped her was so powerful that we had to make a decision about getting help. 

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